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How to Bounce Back After a S#!¥ Day


I was scrolling through one of my Facebook groups and came across a great question from one of my clients.

He said, “What do you do when you’ve had a $#!% day with customers being pains-in-the-a$$? What’s your first de-stress move?”

I’m sure we’ve all had days where things didn’t go how we wanted them to, and I’m really glad that he asked the question.

In every business,

How to Make Your Coaching Calls Shorter and Punchier


In today’s #askTaki, I’ve got a question from Howard.

Howard says, “My weekly coaching calls have been going really long. 2+ hours. How can I make them shorter and punchier? I’m getting through six to seven questions in that time plus the intro. Any ideas?

I’m going to give you 3 ideas right now.


What I mean by that is the way you frame it is going to make a big,

Why You Need to Be One Step Ahead


I want to tell you a story of something that happened to me in Brazil 25 years ago that taught me a ton as I was getting started as a coach.

I went to Brazil to chase a girl who at that time I thought was the love of my life. The truth is she was my first girlfriend and that was about it.

I went there chasing this girl and the plan was to live with her together forever.

Why You Need to Drain the Swamp


Today, I want to talk to you about draining the swamp. I came down to the pool for a swim, and when I got there, it was kind of empty. And so, on Thursdays, clearly is the day that the local government comes and empties out the pool.

It was kind of three-quarters empty when I got there. It gets drained out of the corner and then when the high tide comes in,

2 Simple Tricks to Help You Become a Better Public Speaker


I don’t know if you know much about our family, but Ethan, my son, has special needs. When he was young, he couldn’t speak. For 3 or 4 years, he was completely non-verbal. It was really hard to parent a kid when you don’t know how they’re thinking and feeling.

Ethan cried a lot when he was little. It was hard, especially on Kiri-Maree. We tried lots of different things. One of the things we did was we went to a course called Hanen,

How to Balance Family and Business


One of the mistakes we often make is we go to extremes. We either go all business and neglect family, or we make excuses like, “Oh, I can’t run my business. I can’t grow a business. I can’t really focus on my business because I’ve got a family.” And those are just silly decisions.

Don’t be an ‘or’ person. Be a ‘both’ person.

Your family could be the reason why you can’t do stuff,

The 2 Faces You Should Show in Your Marketing


I was out for dinner in Hollywood with a mate of mine called JVD — Jeffrey Van Dyke. Legend. Best ‘find your niche’ guy I’ve ever met.

We were talking about videos and emails amongst other things and we both agreed on something that there’s really two sides of yourself that you want to show in your marketing whether it’s email, video, or podcast; if that’s your thing.


There’s a lot of videos a that say —maybe I’m overstating it,

3 Things You Need to Do to Scale Up Your Coaching Business


I just saw a post in my Facebook group, The Dojo, that’s got me a little bit riled — not because it hurts me at all because frankly, it could hurt you.

Let me share with you the question I asked, the response I got, and how — I think— it could hurt.

A simple question we asked, “What’s the biggest hurdle to become a million dollar coach?”

Why You Need to Get Your Clients Together (And What to Do When You Finally Do)


I don’t know whether you coach your clients 1:1 or whether you coach them in groups, or whether you have products or training courses.

But what I do know is that there’s something magic that happens when you bring your clients together in one physical place for an event and a workshop.

If you run a group coaching program, you probably do workshops with your dudes anyway. 

Right now,

The 3 Funnels You Should be Using to Get Coaching Clients


I’ve been talking a bunch lately with our clients about funnels — the 3 core funnels that can help you grow your coaching business and which one to choose. In this blog post, I will share with you 3-funnel options and which one you should pick for you.

I’m going to get this really simple. Forget about the offer at the front of the funnel for a minute, and think about the offer at the end of the funnel.