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Webinars are unbelievably effective tools for marketing, selling, and delivering your coaching services. As great as they are though, they come with their own challenges. In addition to all the research and preparation that goes into pulling off a successful webinar, you MUST promote it.

You might give the greatest webinar of all time, but without the right marketing, two things suffer:

— You won’t have enough people register.
— You won’t have enough people attend.

Investing all the prep time and getting a measly five people to show up isn’t only discouraging – it doesn’t generate enough sales. No matter how powerful your webinar is, it won’t help your business unless enough people sign up and show up.

The #1 Webinar Marketing Mistake

The most important decision you’ll make when starting your webinar promotion is choosing which channel you’ll market through.

Too often, coaches try to promote their webinars through multiple channels. We think we need blast our marketing out using everything available to us. The thought behind this is that promoting to the most people possible should boost registration and attendance.

But that’s just not true.

I’ve found it’s better to choose one channel and laser focus on it. So which channel is right for you? Let’s check out a few…

To save you from experimenting with every kind of email and social media platform, I’m going to give you the three best channels I’ve used to consistently fill profitable webinars:

  1. Your email list
  2. Facebook ads
  3. Your joint-venture partner’s email list

Your Email Database

Even if your email list is tiny, it has the potential to be the most potent channel in your marketing arsenal. Here’s an example…

Laurence Tham (one of our BlackBelt members) marketed his first webinar to an email database of only 164 people. He had 72 people register and 64 show up. That means nearly 44 percent of the people he promoted to registered, and nearly 90% of those registered showed up. These are great registration and attendance rates!

If your have more than 164 names in your email database, then your list is large enough. You can promote your webinar right now. You don’t need a database of 600 email addresses to have a decent turn out.

Persist In Your List

Already promoted your webinar to your email list?

Great! Don’t stop. Keep using it.

Since 2009, I’ve been running the same two webinars over and over again. That’s right – the same two webinars promoted to the same list of people, roughly every six weeks. The list of names and addresses has grown over time, but my strategy hasn’t changed.

The people who’ve been on the list since the beginning are still hearing from me about those same two webinars, and guest what… the webinars keep filling up.

Would it be better if I created new material for new webinars? Absolutely! When I host new webinars I get an even higher response rate, but that doesn’t stop me from hosting those same two webinars and marketing them to the same list.

Remember, you’ll get tired of your own material much quicker than your prospects. If you’re providing significant value in your webinars, your audience will register and continue to benefit from them.

Promote the same webinar through the same channel, starting with your email list.


If your have more than 164 names in your email database, you can sell on a webinar.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your coaching business:

1. Grab a free copy of my book

It’s the roadmap to attracting prospects, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Click Here

2. Join the Coach Dojo and connect with coaches who are scaling too

It’s our new Facebook community where smart coaches learn to get more income, impact, and independence. — Click Here

3. Join our Implementation Program and be a Case Study

I’m putting together a new coaching case study group at Black Belt this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me on your client-getting and scale plans… just send me a message with the words “Case Study”. — Click Here

4. Work with me and my team privately

If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take you from 6 to 7 figures… just send me a message with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here


Learn more here.

Categories: ATTRACT, Fill Funnel

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