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Building Authority: Book vs Podcast

I just got a question from a client called Steve, who said, “Thinking about starting a podcast and also considering writing a book, what do you think is the best tactic for building authority and growing my list?”

Really good question. I think what’s interesting is that building authority and growing your list aren’t necessarily one thing.

I tend to think of them as two parts of a three-step equation.


How to Stop Your Leads from Slipping Through the Cracks


I’ve got a question here from Jason. He’s asking about how to make sure that the leads that he’s generating don’t slip through the cracks.

One of the quick wins that we use that typically generates a flood of leads really quickly in like a, a three to nine hour period. It’s not unusual to get hundreds of responses.

It’s something we do by email, something we do on an organic Facebook post and we often use it in a Facebook group.

Lead Magnets: Webinar E-Book vs Short PDF

We got a question from Domonique. She said, “What’s a better lead magnet? A transcription from a webinar turned into an easy to read e-book or a short PDF? Which one gets more opt-ins? Love to hear your words of wisdom.”

Let’s cover some of the basics right now.

The secret is that it doesn’t really matter. Both can work just as well as the other.

For a lead magnet,

The 2 Faces You Should Show in Your Marketing


I was out for dinner in Hollywood with a mate of mine called JVD — Jeffrey Van Dyke. Legend. Best ‘find your niche’ guy I’ve ever met.

We were talking about videos and emails amongst other things and we both agreed on something that there’s really two sides of yourself that you want to show in your marketing whether it’s email, video, or podcast; if that’s your thing.


There’s a lot of videos a that say —maybe I’m overstating it,

The 3 Funnels You Should be Using to Get Coaching Clients


I’ve been talking a bunch lately with our clients about funnels — the 3 core funnels that can help you grow your coaching business and which one to choose. In this blog post, I will share with you 3-funnel options and which one you should pick for you.

I’m going to get this really simple. Forget about the offer at the front of the funnel for a minute, and think about the offer at the end of the funnel.

How to Fill Your Calendar up with A-Grade Prospects


I’ve had a good morning. Got up early, went to the gym.

I had a couple of appointments with potential clients this morning which has both gone super well.

It just got me thinking a little bit about how to make sure that your calendar —every single week— is full of A-grade clients —of five-star clients, of people who are perfect to work with and not have to deal with tire-kickers.

The 3 Funnels Every Coach Needs


In this quick #AskTaki, I want to share with you the 3 funnels that every coach should use if you want to build an audience, fill a webinar, and get clients NOW.

Pete, a good friend of mine, sent me a very simple yet critical question: “What are the main things I need to focus on with Facebook and funnels?

We can go all sorts of level of details,

Why Nobody Looks at Your Videos (And What to Do About It)

Video of you speaking directly to your prospects can be incredibly powerful for establishing your authority in your marketing.

When you make three-minute videos part of your regular communication rhythm, your prospects have a reason to keep coming back to your site. And even though it’s such a powerful tool, there are some significant challenges that keep many coaches from even attempting to make videos of their own to reach their audience.

I want to de-mystify the video-making process and show you exactly how I do it so you can use videos as a regular part of your weekly content marketing.

How to Turn Your Marketing Content Into Clients

Every piece of marketing content should do three things.

First, it needs to get the audience’s attention.

Second, it needs to keep the audience engaged all the way through to the end.

But if that’s all you do, it’s no different from any other type of content. The key difference between content and marketing content is that marketing content is designed with the very specific purpose of getting an audience to take action.