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How to Transform a Boring Webinar Into an Engaging Workshop

Let’s face it. Running a webinar can be super weird.

If a stranger walked by your desk and saw you talking to your computer for a solid hour, they’d probably think you’d lost your mind. I think we could all get past the initial weirdness, though, if everyone on the webinar was really engaged and you made a ton of sales at the end, right?

Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. People are often unresponsive and don’t buy.

Why You Need More Engagement In Your Webinars

I want to show you how to increase the amount of engagement you get on your webinars.

This strategy works for both teaching and selling webinars.

If you handle the engagement well, great things can happen. But, if you get it wrong or miss it somehow, you can really shoot yourself in the foot.

First, let’s look at the problems coaches face with webinar engagement.


I’m not sure how many webinars you’ve run,

The Fastest Way to a Million Dollars

I want to share with you what I’ve learned from a great friend, Clay Collins, about the 5 little steps that’ll be the quickest way to a million dollars a year.

There are 5 parts of your coaching business and for each of them, I want you to get it down to one for each, just to keep business really really simple.

Here are the 5 things you want to do:

One Target Market

So the first thing one target market.

3 Keys to Writing A Promotional Email That Fills Any Webinar or Live Event

If you’ve been running the same webinar or live event for a while now, there’s a good chance you’re running out of new, fresh ways to promote it through email. You can’t think of anything clever to write that you haven’t already sent before, so you piece together several ideas that end up choppy and disjointed.

End result: you’ve wasted a ton of time writing a promo email that leads to little or no registrations.

Why You Need a New Way to Promote Your Webinar

I want to show you how to write a promotional email that fills any webinar or live event, lightning fast.

First, though, when writing an email to promote a webinar or live event, there are some key problems I see coaches struggle with time and time again.

Can’t Think of Anything Clever….

First, you sit there staring at a blank screen, knowing you have to write something, but you can’t think of anything clever to say.

How to Stop Being Victimized by Your Calendar

Compare the way you manage your time to where you sit in a car.

You might be in the driver’s seat — calling the shots, steering the car where you want to go, and accelerating and braking when you want to.

Or, you might be in the passenger’s seat — complaining about how you aren’t going where you’d like and passively waiting for change.

You might even be locked in the boot (trunk) — kicking and screaming,

Why Coaches Need One Extra Workday Each Week

Think about your average work week. What’s the hardest part of getting it all done?

Do you have trouble prioritizing or focusing? Are you getting distracted or overwhelmed?

Are you constantly putting out fires as they arise? Is tough balancing your work and home life?

Many of us think to ourselves, “If I just had one extra day to get stuff done, that would be fantastic.” Well, that’s what we’re going to focus on— giving ourselves an extra workday.

The Three Keys to Writing Email That Converts You Haven’t Heard Before

Think your email list is too small to be effective?

In the last post, we talked about why most coaches get a low ROE (return on effort) with their email, and size of email list was not one of the problems. It’s not about the number of people on your list — it’s about how many people respond to you.

I also said I’d show you simplest and easiest way to write email that generates leads and converts prospects into clients.

Converting With Email: Kung-Fu Panda Style

How many names are on your email list?

Maybe it’s not as big as you’d like, or maybe it’s not as big as some of your competitor’s.

Here’s the thing: the number of names on a list isn’t the determining factor of how effective your email marketing can be.

Whether you have a big list you’ve spent years building or a newer list with only a few names, there are several strategies I want to share that will help you increase the response and grow your influence.