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The Real Reason Coaches Fail to Create Lasting Joint Ventures

I can’t wait to walk you through this strategy. This is based on a training I did with our members called the 14-Day Alliance — a strategy for taking a joint venture (JV) partner from having never heard of you to promoting you in just two weeks.

But before we get into the details, I want to give you an idea of just how powerful joint ventures can be.

Jay Abraham was my first exposure to marketing.

3 Virtual Assistant Training Traps and How to Avoid Them

There are so many things that need to be done in your coaching business, and it’s tricky to do them all yourself. But, for many coaches, hiring a full-time staff is out of the question.

Hiring a virtual assistant can be a great move towards freeing up time and workload, but it comes with its challenges and the process can be a bit clunky while you first get it up and running.

I want to show you how to get tasks off your plate quickly and become rock solid in systemizing your business with a virtual assistant.

How To Build a Powerful Marketing Automation System For Your Coaching Business

When coaches decide to move from manual marketing to automated marketing, they usually run into three big roadblocks.

First, their marketing tactics may not be effective, and there’s no point in automating a strategy that simply doesn’t work.

The second block is a lack of time. Even if they have marketing tactics that work, they struggle to find the time to plan out an automation strategy.

The third block is lack of a system.

How to Build the Perfect Product

We’re talking about how to put together a course using the framework we call The Signature System™. When you think about it, every course is designed to solve one particular problem, and there are three key parts in building a signature system for you.

How To Be Your Best on Camera

What I want to do is I want to show you how to be your BEST on camera. A little trick I learned about 5 years ago that helped me every time I look at the barrel of the camera or the phone and shoot you one of  my own quick vids

So, I don’t know if you’ve noticed it but the internet is fast becoming a video medium. Like YouTube is the number 2 search engine in the world and your ability to kinda show up live and present on camera is one way to set yourself apart from everybody else.

How To Speak Directly To Your Prospects’ Hot Buttons

Coaches run into all sorts of problems when trying to stay on top of their content marketing.

Most of the time, they get stuck when creating their marketing because they’re thinking and writing at the same time.

This causes them to fall behind schedule in their marketing, so they fail to follow-up with their prospects.

It’s a slippery slope.

There’s a strategy I use to turn those problems around. It’s based on the old game,

The Top 3 Reasons Coaches Fail At Content Marketing

The line between content and marketing is fuzzy. These days it’s become so blurred that it’s hard to tell what’s what. Sometimes, what looks like news is fiction and what looks like fiction is really news.

We know content marketing is vitally important to growing our coaching business, but as tough as it is to identify content marketing, it’s even harder to create it.

Here are the most common problems coaches run into when trying to create killer content marketing on their own.

Get Your Prospects To Take Action With This Content Strategy


Creating marketing content that both engages prospects and gets them to take action is simple… in theory. It really just boils down to deciding what to say and how to say it.

But, when trying to get prospects to engage with content, many coaches tend to give too much away. I call this Hard Teaching.

It’s when coaches give out so much high-quality content that the prospects have no reason to buy from them.

The 3 CTA’s Your Site Needs

3 Offers You Need To Have

We’ve just been chatting about websites and we’re talking about the 3 core offers you need to have on your website. But really you need three offers, a green offer, an orange offer and a red offer. And as what we’ve discussed, there are three types of people that go on your website, these are the cold leads, warm leads and hot prospects.

Green Offer

Cold leads are skeptical visitors and what we want to have for them is a green offer.