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5 Keys to Boost Your Conversion Rates by 20-30%​​

​When sales calls end in rejection, most coaches blindly push forward or overhaul their entire sales process, but there’s a better way. Here are 5 simple keys based on the proven methods of world-class athletes and sales legends that can boost your conversion rates by 20-30%.​

4 (Necessary) Steps to Webinar Marketing Mastery

While getting people to register for your webinar is a goal of the marketing, it shouldn’t be your only goal. The ultimate goal is to sell your coaching program, which means we have to think of marketing the webinar as more than an event. It’s actually a process made up of multiple steps.


I’ve got a little announcement about BIG news today.

And I’m super stoked to share it with you.

If you read this blog post to the end, I’ve got a feeling you’ll be super stoked, too.

After years of honing my craft, and making my very best stuff available to my seriously smart and devilishly good-looking crowd of Black Belt coaches …

… everything I know is now available in the most democratic form possible.

The 2 Crucial Questions To Ask At The Start Of Every Sales Meeting

Did you know that sales are almost never lost at end of sales meetings?

Most coaches don’t understand this, though. They put all their attention into the close and ignore the beginning. They think if they can only deliver the perfect pitch to the prospect at the end of the appointment, they’ll win them over.

It’s almost as if they’re presenting closing arguments in a courtroom to persuade a jury.

How twisted is that?

How to Get Prospects to Relax in Sales Appointments

When a prospect hires you, what are they buying? Your product? Your program?

Sure, but only to a degree. When a prospect hires you, they’re really buying certainty.

Ultimately, certainty is a combination of clarity and confidence.

  • Clarity of where you’ll take them
  • Confidence that you’ll actually get them there

When a sales appointment doesn’t end in making a sale, it’s usually because the prospect doesn’t feel certain about you or your coaching program.

How to Quickly Build Rapport in a Sales Meeting

When a sales appointment doesn’t end with conversion, most coaches think there was a problem with the way they closed. They believe they must have done something wrong at the end or they’d have a new client.

The thing is, sales are almost never lost at the close — they’re lost at the very beginning.

On the last post, we introduced how important the first three to five minutes of a sales appointment are to making a sale at the end.

Why The Beginning Of A Sales Meeting Is More Important Than The End

When a one-on-one sales appointment ends in rejection, it can be really frustrating. It’s completely natural to think back over the entire appointment to try and figure out where it went off the rails.

Did I say something wrong or offensive?

Did I appear too pushy at the close?

Was I too passive?

Most coaches replay the appointment in their minds and truly believe the sale must have been lost somewhere at the close — after all,

The Easiest Prospect Conversion Tool You’re (Probably) Underusing

What are you currently using to convert prospects into clients?

Don’t worry, it’s not a trick question. Coaches typically use either one-on-one sales appointments, live events, or webinars to convert high-quality prospects into high-paying clients. Sometimes, we use a combination of all three.

Personally, I’ve been fortunate enough to have success with all three, but they’re definitely not created equal.

Selling 1:1

Selling with a one-on-one appointment is okay, but it’s often slow and messy.

Sell With Webinars: How to Package Your Call To Action

Over the last five posts, we’ve been talking about how to offer a free, one-on-one strategy session at the end of a webinar to book more sales appointments.

Most coaches know how difficult it is to sell high-priced coaching programs to new leads on a single webinar. If all we did was teach content for an hour and make a quick sales pitch at the end for an expensive program, we probably wouldn’t convert very well.