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How to Break $1M in Your Coaching Business in the Next 12 Months

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What to Do if You’re Feeling Flat

I want to show you what to do when you’re feeling a bit flat in running your coaching business – and not just quite feeling like yourself.

So I was talking to successful guys in my Boardroom.

Black Belt is designed to get people from 6 figures to a million dollars a year. Once they get to a million dollars a year, we invite to a secret, well not secret, private mastermind called Boardroom.

How to Structure a 12-Month Program

In this quick video, I’m gonna show you how to design a 12-month program so the clients get great results. 

One of the big problems that happens a lot when you design a 12-month program is, if I’m doing online courses, it’s kind of linear, like you know, you do step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4, that’s cool for like, a short course. But if you do something like 12 months or more, and it’s linear, then it’s really hard because if somebody joins today and all the other people are already 3 or 4 months in, the new people seem to drag the other people down or they just get lost. Does that make sense guys?

Why 81% of Coaches Fail

We’re talking about some of the reasons why coaches fail.

A great client of mine, Simon Reynolds, wrote a book called Why People Fail. There’s a lot of books about success but very few about failure. The idea is, if we could learn from our failures, we can avoid them.

That fact is, 81% of coaches never make it past year three. This is what happens to them:

Go Broke

Most of them go broke.

The Tribal Council

At least once a year, my family and I go to the Philippines to meet up with our ninjas for at least 3 days.

We gather in a room where we talk about what’s currently working and what’s not. We plan, we strategise, and we make sure we’re having the perfect work:swim ratio. 🙂

Check out some behind-the-scenes action for making an awesome Tribal Council happen.

What awesome stuff do you do with your VAs?

How to Help Clients Win

Right now, I’m going to give you a simple tip on how to get better results for your clients without you working any harder.

Your Authority Website

I want to show you a quick primer on what you need to do on your website to make sure that it’s great for building authority and converting leads.

One of the things I used to struggle with was having great clients with sucky websites. So we fixed it by building a website design template.

The First Elements Your Website Needs

The first thing your site needs is a picture of your lead magnet.

The James Bond Tactic You Can Actually Use In Your Marketing

Aston Martin, Belvedere, Bollinger, Fiat, Globe-Trotter, Heineken, Jaguar, Land Rover, Macallan, Mercedes-Benz, N.Peal, Omega, Rolls-Royce, Sony, Tom Ford, and Vuarnet.

Can you guess what these brands have in common?

These are just some of the brands (not all) featured in last year’s James Bond film, Spectre.

Even so, Spectre actually had less product placement than any other James Bond movie in the last 15 years.

Why Nobody Looks at Your Videos (And What to Do About It)

Video of you speaking directly to your prospects can be incredibly powerful for establishing your authority in your marketing.

When you make three-minute videos part of your regular communication rhythm, your prospects have a reason to keep coming back to your site. And even though it’s such a powerful tool, there are some significant challenges that keep many coaches from even attempting to make videos of their own to reach their audience.

I want to de-mystify the video-making process and show you exactly how I do it so you can use videos as a regular part of your weekly content marketing.


I’ve got a little announcement about BIG news today.

And I’m super stoked to share it with you.

If you read this blog post to the end, I’ve got a feeling you’ll be super stoked, too.

After years of honing my craft, and making my very best stuff available to my seriously smart and devilishly good-looking crowd of Black Belt coaches …

… everything I know is now available in the most democratic form possible.