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How to Keep Your Clients in Scope When Your Business Is Growing


It comes down to leadership and a big part of leadership in the coaching world comes down to framing. You can get away with anything if you frame it up right upfront.

It’s way easier to frame. Two drops of framing is way better than a ton of reframing after the horse has bolted.

So, here’s the good news. You’re in perfect place to do some framing.

So how do you turn it into more of a coaching program?

How to Bounce Back After a S#!¥ Day


I was scrolling through one of my Facebook groups and came across a great question from one of my clients.

He said, “What do you do when you’ve had a $#!% day with customers being pains-in-the-a$$? What’s your first de-stress move?”

I’m sure we’ve all had days where things didn’t go how we wanted them to, and I’m really glad that he asked the question.

In every business,

What to Do in the First 60 Minutes of Every Week

Hey gang, it’s Taki.

Just waiting for Kiri-Maree to appear. She’s been down the Waterfront walking and thinking and meeting.

We got our Tuesday morning meeting every week, and frankly, it’s a bit of a secret weapon that I don’t talk about a lot.

I don’t know how you work best, but I know I’m really good at three things, and anytime I’m doing something that isn’t these three things, frankly,

Is Your S:W:T Ratio Propelling You Forward or Holding You Back?


I hope you’re amazingly well. I’m just down here at the beach on a little bit of break.

In this quick video, I want to give you a quick check to tell if your productivity is as good as it could be, or if your S:W:T ratio is off.

A little bit of context…

First of all, I don’t do productivity like most people do, and you probably shouldn’t either.

Build Something Great



I’ve been inspired a lot lately by a few great quotes and a couple of local businesses here in Hawaii. And I think there certainly —there’s lots in there for me to improve the way I work and the way we work as a business.

And I kind of hope that it inspires you to do something great for you as well.

So, let me give you like a little bit of a stack of like events —quotes,

What to Do if You’re Feeling Flat

I want to show you what to do when you’re feeling a bit flat in running your coaching business – and not just quite feeling like yourself.

So I was talking to successful guys in my Boardroom.

Black Belt is designed to get people from 6 figures to a million dollars a year. Once they get to a million dollars a year, we invite to a secret, well not secret, private mastermind called Boardroom.

Don’t hustle. Do this instead.

I’m here at the Million Dollar Coach Intensive in London.

I have just been given a topic to talk about: “How to not work so hard in your coaching business”

I have this theory that working hard is a little bit overrated. There’s a thing going on right now that we should hustle.

You’ve probably seen a bunch of people or a bunch of gurus talking about how important hustle is. And frankly,

Why Coaches Need One Extra Workday Each Week

Think about your average work week. What’s the hardest part of getting it all done?

Do you have trouble prioritizing or focusing? Are you getting distracted or overwhelmed?

Are you constantly putting out fires as they arise? Is tough balancing your work and home life?

Many of us think to ourselves, “If I just had one extra day to get stuff done, that would be fantastic.” Well, that’s what we’re going to focus on— giving ourselves an extra workday.

How to Craft Your Morning Ritual To Feel Unstoppable

If you’ve ever listened to Tim Ferriss’s podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, you’ve heard about the morning routine. Tim asks almost every guest he interviews what the first hour of their day looks like. With over 100 guests, it’s obviously important to him.

As I thought about why a morning ritual is so important to him, I realized that the way you start your day is a great indicator of how it will end.