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What To Do When Prospects Don’t Understand Your Coaching Program

How many words is a picture worth, again? I can’t seem to remember.

I honestly don’t know what’s more annoying: hearing that overused phrase one more time, or knowing I constantly need to be reminded of the wisdom in it.

We are all visual people — some of us more so than others, but the fact remains. We know how powerful pictures can be.

Why is it, then, that we become completely blind to this truth when developing our coaching models?

The Secret To Getting Coaching Prospects To Commit

There’s something you should know before you take another step forward with your marketing: Your prospects don’t give a damn about you or your business.

They don’t care who you are, what you’ve done, or how well your coaching business is going… at first, anyways.

When you first reach out to clients, they care about themselves and their problems. That’s it.

The only way we can hope to break through is to empathize with them and connect with their cravings so they feel like we see them better than anyone else in the world.

How To Become The Answer To Your Coaching Clients Needs

For a coaching model to be successful, it must meet the needs of four key stakeholders.

It must work for you, your prospects, your clients, and the coaching business as a whole. Without meeting the needs of all four, you’ll inevitably run into serious problems.

In the last post, we talked about meeting your needs before we take care of our prospects or clients.

Now we’ll take a look at meeting our prospects’ needs.

The 3 CTA’s Your Site Needs

3 Offers You Need To Have

We’ve just been chatting about websites and we’re talking about the 3 core offers you need to have on your website. But really you need three offers, a green offer, an orange offer and a red offer. And as what we’ve discussed, there are three types of people that go on your website, these are the cold leads, warm leads and hot prospects.

Green Offer

Cold leads are skeptical visitors and what we want to have for them is a green offer.

How To Get Rid of Low Grade Coaching Clients Once and For All

Coaches often fail at converting prospects to clients because of one simple aspect of the sales process: They’re not in control.

When you’re at the mercy of your prospect’s hiring criteria, they control the buying process.

To shift the control, you need to be one to set the buying criteria.

Stack The Deck In Your Favor

The first step is to identify and push hot buttons. We recently went into depth about it here.

Trouble Closing Clients? Look at Your Lead Conversion Process

Converting prospects into clients can be the most challenging part of the business for many coaches.

They may know exactly who their target market is, what their problems are, and where to find them. They might even know their prospects by name.

For these coaches, it’s not lead generation that’s the biggest challenge – it’s lead conversion.

When coaches struggle with conversion, the problems usually come up in the sales appointment.

Who Controls Your Sales Process?

This is something I think has the potential to make an incredible difference to you and your coaching business. It’s not lead generation. It’s lead conversion.

It’s a specific strategy we’ll apply to your marketing that will dramatically increase the results you get while dramatically decreasing the amount of effort you need to put in.

I call it “Setting The Buying Criteria.”

The Problem

Let me walk you through the problem this fixes.

Sell Without Selling: How To Gift Wrap Your Sales Appointments

In the last blog, I introduced you to Tristan Bond – a coach who was approached by his joint-venture partner about running a webinar to members of their network.

These members were in Tristan’s target market, but he was prevented from doing any selling by the JV partner.

To work around this, we came up with a plan that allowed Tristan to keep his JV partners happy and still generate great sales figures.

The first step we covered was inviting the members to an education-based marketing event that promised to help them with one specific problem.

Sell Without Selling: Host An Education-Based Marketing Event

Have you ever been a situation where you needed to sell without selling?

It may sound odd, but let me give you an example.

I had a client, Tristan Bond, who was in a really tricky position. He coaches healthcare practitioners (dentists, chiropractors, etc.) and was approached by a big health fund about running a webinar for them.

On one hand, he was super excited about the opportunity to connect with loads of people in his target market.

How To Remove The Pressure From Sales Appointments with Application Selling

In the past, a big part of what made a coach successful was their ability to stomach the uncomfortable sales process.

These coaches didn’t mind dealing with the typical roadblocks from prospects in sales appointments – roadblocks like not enough money and bad timing.

They didn’t mind dealing with the pressure. And make no mistake, there’s a ton of pressure on everyone involved in the sales process. There’s pressure on you to perform well in the meeting.