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How to Break $1M in Your Coaching Business in the Next 12 Months

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I want to teach you the model that helps us scale coaching businesses.

I don’t know how much you know about the work that we do, but our job is really simple.

We take coaching businesses and take them from 10K a month —six figures— and help them to get to 1M  a year. And we do it with this model right here:

I’ve got an iPad here I’m going to draw on, and let’s have some fun with this, shall we?

Here’s what I want for you more than anything else in the world…

More than anything in the world, I want you to have a coaching business that can scale.

And what I mean by that is a coaching business that gives you more of three things.

I don’t know why you became a coach, but I’ve got a hunch that there are three things that you want.


Number one, I want you to have a coaching business that takes the lid off the amount of money you can —the amount of cash you can make, and income you can make from your coaching business.

Most coaching businesses are limited —the amount of money they can make mostly because of the number of hours that it takes to the amount of the kind of clients they can look after.

So, we want to take the lid off money.


Number two, that maximizes the amount of impact you can make. 

So, in other words, that instead of making a big difference to —like five or 10 or 15, maybe —like, 20 people, that you can impact hundreds or thousands of people with your coaching business.


And thirdly, the amount of freedom you can enjoy; we take the lid off that as well.

I want you to have more money, and more meaning, and more freedom.

Now, I don’t know why you got into your coaching business, but I know that for us, it started off Ethan, our son, who many of you know…

He had to spend weeks at Westmead Kid’s Hospital —a couple of times nearly died.

And so, for us, freedom was — freedom to look after Ethan. And now, he’s in a really great space, and we get to travel around the world having an amazing time.

But more money, and more meaning, and more freedom are really the three things that drive me and most of our clients. 

The three things I think we want more of to grow your coaching business.

To get more money, more meaning, and more freedom, there are THREE parts of your coaching business that we need to focus on.


We need to look at the way we attract leads, the way we convert them into clients, and the way we deliver your service so you can help more people have more fun —make more money.

Right? Here’s what happens, though…

Most coaching businesses aren’t built in a way that can scale at all. Most people don’t have systems retracting all of the leads. Because they don’t, they end up with no audience. Right?

In a little bit, as we go through the How To, I want you to kind of —to look at this not as, “Oh, this is interesting content that Taki’s teaching.” But I want you to look at your coaching business through this lens.

Now, most people don’t have a way to get enough leads in. So, then, no audience. Like, world’s best-kept secret; no fun at all.

Most —so, that’s the opposite of being able to attract.


If you think about the convert side of your business —the way you convert prospects into clients.

Most coaches don’t have a way to convert the client —prospects into clients.

They end up with a big fat cash problem called, “no sales”. Right?

No audience means your marketing is limited.

No sales mean we’re not converting prospects into clients. So, it hurts our dollars.


And when it comes to the delivery side of your coaching business, the way we deliver our stuff, most coaching businesses are set up so that we can help 10 —15 —maybe 20 people before we cap out because it’s time-for-money. And so, there’s no leverage.

And so, right now, I just want you to think about your coaching business.

Which of those three problems is costing you the most so far?

Is it that the audience is too small?

Is it that we’re just not making enough sales?

Or that there’s just not enough of you to go around and time is pretty short right now?

Do you need more audience? More sales? Or more leverage?

The 9 Accelerators

What I want to do in a second is I want to share with you the nine accelerators — the nine projects that we use to drive a coaching business and take you from where you are right now to a million dollars a year in the next 12 months.

We’re going to start with Deliver because frankly, we’re going to generate leads and we’re going to sell stuff. We need to know what we’re going to get leads for and what we’re going to sell.

Okay? So, under Deliver, there are three accelerators —three kind of focus areas that we zoom in on in order to grow your coaching business.

Decide your model

The first thing we want to do is we want to decide your model.

In other words, if we want to decide what we’re going to sell, at what price point, how we’re going to deliver it, we want to build something that can scale.

So, we go from doing time-for-money 1:1 coaching to something much more scalable and leveraged. Yes?

Unpack your IP

The second accelerator that we can use to speed up our coaching business is to Unpack Your IP. IP stands for intellectual property —the content out of your head.

When you do 1:1 coaching, it’s okay to go —you’d get on the phone with a client and you say, “Hey, so, what do you need most right now?” And they say, “Well, I need this.” And you go, “Cool.”

You reach to your bag of tricks and you pull out something that’s useful and you share what you got with them. But when you’re leading your group, you can’t just go, “Hey, what do you want to talk about today?”

You have to lead —you have to start with some content. Right? And so, the second project we need to work on is to unpack the content out of your head and stop reacting to a client. You can start leading them instead. 

Harness talent

The third thing we want to do is we want to harness the talent of a virtual team so that you don’t have to do everything yourself.

We don’t have to do all of the heavy-lifting.

We wanted to get it so that you just do the bits —that you’re great at, and have other people help you with the rest. Does that make sense?

So, that’s the —they’re the three delivery accelerators.

Let’s have a look at the marketing system fun piece —the sexy piece— right now.

There are three accelerators we tried there, too, to make sure that we’re getting all of the leads that we need.

Fill your funnel

So, first thing we need to do is we need to fill your funnel.

Most coaches don’t have a funnel, and if they do, it’s not full.

And so, there are two parts of that:

It’s designing out the perfect funnel to get you the leads that you need, and then turning on the traffic tab to drive people through —whether it’s to a webinar or a case study funnel, or an appointment funnel.

We just need a simple funnel that drives new traffic your way and generates the leads you need for your funnel. That’s the first project —that’s about getting rich.

Build authority

The second thing that coaches like to do apart from getting rich is to get famous.

And so, the second project —or second accelerator— is to build authority.

To go from ‘Who are you?’ —best kept secret— to kind of a big deal in your space.

So, we want to fill your funnel; that’s about getting leads in. And then we want to build your authority so that it’s easier to sell to the people that you’ve got —so they become quite a big deal. The more authority work we do, the easier that sales become. 

Install automation

Again, so that you don’t have to do all of this stuff yourself. Automated just means you don’t have to do it.

So, it might be that you have a virtual assistant running some of the systems for you.

It might be that you have an active game plan campaign, or InfusionSoft, or any other software gadget —some kind of system that you can design a campaign and just have it run for you every single week without you having to be physically involved so that marketing does what it needs to do.

When we can do those three things; fill your funnel, build authority, and install automation, guess what happens?

Now, you’ve got an attraction system that is absolutely humming. Right?

We’ve talked about the three accelerators for how you deliver your coaching business, the three accelerators for how you attract leads into your coaching business. And in just a moment, we’re going to talk about the way you convert.

But what I’d love to know right now is if you think about these three attraction pieces, what do you need most right now?

Do you need to fill your funnel more?

Build authority and become a bit more of a key player in the space?

Or is automation the thing that you most need?

Do us a favor and just type into the comment box, which one of those three? Leave us a comment, which one of those three do you need most right now? 

Audition clients

On the convert side of things. There are three ways that million-dollar coaches scale up their conversion side of the business.

The very first thing we do —the sleeve that we pull is helping you to master the ability to talk to somebody on the phone, have them want to sign up, and give you clients —give you money.

We call that “audition clients”.

So, you know you need this if over the last 10 prospects you spoke to, you signed less than seven.

That says, “Holy crap, this is a huge opportunity for me right now.” And so, we want to go from trying to impress the people we talk to to having them just —having them trying to impress you and you just assess their match; are we a fit or are we not a fit?

And if we are, we’re going to do what comes natural. And if we’re not, we’ll do what comes naturally and say, “Thanks, but, no thanks.” Does that make sense?

Partners will give you clients. 100%.

Sell with webinars

So, on the Convert side, the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to audition clients. The second piece is to sell with webinars.

Big fan of the old webinar; done a bunch of them in my time. And frankly, it’s a little bit of a secret weapon.

There’s something magic about being able to show up on a webinar, and have a few hundred perfect prospects show up as well, teach your heart out for an hour or a little bit more, and then have them jump on your offers and say, “That was incredible, but I want more.”

That’s exactly what we want. Okay? And so, the second conversion driver that we run to grow your coaching business to a million dollars a year is to sell with webinars. And that —which leads us to the third. And this is an advanced strategy.

Don’t recommend it for everybody, certainly not when you get started.

But at some stage, you might like —it’s a Hot Button stage, under Rock an Event; to deliver an event that knocks people’s socks off and has 30% or 40% of the room go, “I’d like to hire you as my coach.”

Rock events

One of our guys, Mike, just did a live event. 80 people in the room. The offers range from 65 —sorry, 36 grand to 75 grand US for a one, or two, or three years coaching. He closed 89% of the room, did well over a million bucks. 

So, rocking events is the next thing. 

So, I don’t know what your colors are. Whether you had lots of greens, or lots of oranges, or lots of reds. But if you had more greens and oranges than you’d like —or frankly, you’re on the right track…

But you just want to go faster— then, I’m really glad you’re here because later this month, we’re starting a brand new case study group for our Million Dollar Coach Implementation Program.

And we’re going to work really closely over two or three months with a small group of coaches and help them to implement these systems week by week by week to go from red to yellow, and yellow to green.

And so, if you’d like some details about that, just comment the word ‘deets” —D-E-E-T-S— like this. D-E-E-T-S. Just comment the word ‘deets’ in the comment and I’ll shoot you the info about the program. Starts in a week or two’s time.

It could be the perfect way for you to go from where you are to a million dollars a year in your coaching business quickly. In it, we cover each of these nine accelerators with a heavy focus on The Million Dollar Plan —on deciding your model, filling your funnel, and then selling your new program with webinars.

So, again, if you want the information, just type in the word ‘deets’, and I’ll send you the information with a Facebook message once we’re done. Cool?

It’s been fun hanging out. And if there’s anything I can do to help you, I’m just going to stick around for an extra minute. If you have any questions, please, type them in.

Otherwise, I’ll drink my drink, and I’ll send you the information by Facebook message since we’re done here.

 Take good care. I’ll talk to you soon.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your coaching business:

1. Grab a free copy of my book

It’s the roadmap to attracting prospects, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Click Here

2. Join the Coach Dojo and connect with coaches who are scaling too

It’s our new Facebook community where smart coaches learn to get more income, impact, and independence. — Click Here

3. Join our Implementation Program and be a Case Study

I’m putting together a new coaching case study group at Black Belt this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me on your client-getting and scale plans… just send me a message with the words “Case Study”. — Click Here

4. Work with me and my team privately

If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take you from 6 to 7 figures… just send me a message with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here


Learn more here.

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