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How to Keep Your Clients in Scope When Your Business Is Growing


It comes down to leadership and a big part of leadership in the coaching world comes down to framing. You can get away with anything if you frame it up right upfront.

It’s way easier to frame. Two drops of framing is way better than a ton of reframing after the horse has bolted.

So, here’s the good news. You’re in perfect place to do some framing.

So how do you turn it into more of a coaching program?

3 Things You Need to Do to Scale Up Your Coaching Business


I just saw a post in my Facebook group, The Dojo, that’s got me a little bit riled — not because it hurts me at all because frankly, it could hurt you.

Let me share with you the question I asked, the response I got, and how — I think— it could hurt.

A simple question we asked, “What’s the biggest hurdle to become a million dollar coach?”

What to Do in the First 60 Minutes of Every Week

Hey gang, it’s Taki.

Just waiting for Kiri-Maree to appear. She’s been down the Waterfront walking and thinking and meeting.

We got our Tuesday morning meeting every week, and frankly, it’s a bit of a secret weapon that I don’t talk about a lot.

I don’t know how you work best, but I know I’m really good at three things, and anytime I’m doing something that isn’t these three things, frankly,

​How to Crush Next Year Before It Starts​

​When your calendar is preloaded, you’re full of confidence, crystal clear about what needs to happen, and you can focus on doing rather than rethinking and replanning to make sure you meet your goals. Learn how to crush next year, here:

3 Filters Every Coach Should Use To Maximize Productivity

​To-do lists are often seen as a staple in the arsenal of productivity tools, but sometimes they can grow out of control. Maybe some of the things on our to-do lists shouldn’t have made it there in the first place! Here are 3 filters you can use to keep your to-do list manageable for maximum productivity. ​

Why 81% of Coaches Fail

We’re talking about some of the reasons why coaches fail.

A great client of mine, Simon Reynolds, wrote a book called Why People Fail. There’s a lot of books about success but very few about failure. The idea is, if we could learn from our failures, we can avoid them.

That fact is, 81% of coaches never make it past year three. This is what happens to them:

Go Broke

Most of them go broke.

How to Stop Being Victimized by Your Calendar

Compare the way you manage your time to where you sit in a car.

You might be in the driver’s seat — calling the shots, steering the car where you want to go, and accelerating and braking when you want to.

Or, you might be in the passenger’s seat — complaining about how you aren’t going where you’d like and passively waiting for change.

You might even be locked in the boot (trunk) — kicking and screaming,

Keep Your Clients Over The Holidays: 5 Questions That Make Clients Recommit

Most people are looking back on the past year with a tinge of regret. They’re wishing they’d worked a little harder and or gotten bigger results.

They’re also looking ahead, hoping to turn things around in the upcoming year. Maybe they’re hoping for a miracle that next year will magically improve.

As coaches, we need to focus on more than just hanging onto our clients. We need to focus on getting our clients to recommit to themselves,

Keep Your Clients Over The Holidays: Changing Your Mindset

Around this time of year, there’s a real danger of losing some of your clients.

A majority of small businesses are shutting down for the holidays – tying up loose ends so they can take some time off. Others are getting so busy that they can’t focus on anything other than running their business.

Either way, there’s a danger they won’t see the value in paying you over the Christmas season and leave your services.