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I was scrolling through one of my Facebook groups and I saw a question from one of the members, Emily.

Emily said, “Help me out. I’m not sure if this is a lost cause or if I’m just going through a Savior Complex’ or what. Little side note, sometimes those two things go together. But I got a friend who keeps insisting that he doesn’t have the money for my program, even though it’s basically free at 6,500 bucks paid in full…

“He’s a really stubborn dude who’s earning well below his potential. Like, so low below his potential that he’s stuck in Bali which is —frankly, there are worst places to be stuck. Can’t even afford to go anywhere else. I feel like I’ve tried every way to handle his objection in the books…”

“Maybe I should have given up a long time ago. I’m so perplexed, wondering if I’m just sucking at sales at the moment or if it’s him. His last message to me was he was going to keep using my free content and wait till he gets back on his feet. Oh, and his computer just died. There’s always some kind of drama or excuse happening with him. Hit me, team. What would you do?”

It’s a good question and I totally get it.

I think the best secret I ever learned in terms of growing my coaching business, marketing and sales, and getting clients results is to work with people who want you but don’t need you.

Think about all of your best clients. Certainly, all of my best clients are people who don’t need me; who are going to get there on their own anyway. Right?

They don’t need me, but they want me.

What they buy when they joined us is they buy speed. And so, working with somebody who’s needy is almost always going to be hard work.

If you work with people who want you but don’t need you, then coaching is easy, results are almost guaranteed. They are people who are already successful, not people who are struggling. You’re going to do a ton better.

I do coach many friends and lots of my clients become friends. But here’s the main thing: you can’t want it more than they can. You can’t do the push-ups for them.

He’s got to commit and right now, he’s giving you every excuse under the sun. And you’ve spent probably hours, it sounds like, in conversations over time connecting with this guy. And what you need to do right now is let him go.

Because every hour that you spent chasing somebody who doesn’t want it is an hour you could spend serving somebody who does.

In this case, it’s not your sales process, it’s the fact that you want this more than your friend does.

So just say, “Hey dude, I really like you as a friend. I want the best for you. I know I can help you. It sounds like you don’t want it right now. The moment you do, ping me, and we’ll fix this. Until then, I’m going to get on looking after the people who want my help.

And then get on doing the magic that you do best. Cool?

Hopefully that helps. 

Take good care. Taki Moore, out.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your coaching business:

1. Grab a free copy of my book

It’s the roadmap to attracting prospects, signing clients, and scaling your coaching business. — Click Here

2. Join the Coach Dojo and connect with coaches who are scaling too

It’s our new Facebook community where smart coaches learn to get more income, impact, and independence. — Click Here

3. Join our Implementation Program and be a Case Study

I’m putting together a new coaching case study group at Black Belt this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me on your client-getting and scale plans… just send me a message with the words “Case Study”. — Click Here

4. Work with me and my team privately

If you’d like to work directly with me and my team to take you from 6 to 7 figures… just send me a message and with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here


Learn more here.

Categories: Audition Clients, CONVERT

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