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How to Get Prospects to Relax in Sales Appointments

When a prospect hires you, what are they buying? Your product? Your program?

Sure, but only to a degree. When a prospect hires you, they’re really buying certainty.

Ultimately, certainty is a combination of clarity and confidence.

  • Clarity of where you’ll take them
  • Confidence that you’ll actually get them there

When a sales appointment doesn’t end in making a sale, it’s usually because the prospect doesn’t feel certain about you or your coaching program.

How to Quickly Build Rapport in a Sales Meeting

When a sales appointment doesn’t end with conversion, most coaches think there was a problem with the way they closed. They believe they must have done something wrong at the end or they’d have a new client.

The thing is, sales are almost never lost at the close — they’re lost at the very beginning.

On the last post, we introduced how important the first three to five minutes of a sales appointment are to making a sale at the end.

Why The Beginning Of A Sales Meeting Is More Important Than The End

When a one-on-one sales appointment ends in rejection, it can be really frustrating. It’s completely natural to think back over the entire appointment to try and figure out where it went off the rails.

Did I say something wrong or offensive?

Did I appear too pushy at the close?

Was I too passive?

Most coaches replay the appointment in their minds and truly believe the sale must have been lost somewhere at the close — after all,

The 2 Reasons Why Prospects Don’t Buy Your Coaching

Thousands of studies have been conducted on consumer purchasing behavior. You can find hundreds of books on the subject of why people buy, why people don’t buy, and why people fail to make a decision at all.

The findings are really interesting, but if you want a detailed summary, go look for it somewhere else.

When you boil it all down to its essence, there are really only two reasons people don’t make a purchasing decision.

The Most Important Web Page You’re Not Using

By now, you must know how important a lead magnet is for your business. It entices new prospects, builds brand awareness, and gives you a new email address for your list.

Here’s the typical process. First, a prospect clicks on the lead magnet offer you’ve placed in a blog post, website, email, or Facebook ad. Then they’re sent to a landing page where they can give their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, usually in PDF form.

The Most Common Facebook Ad Mistake That’s Costing You Clients

Have you ever experienced this?

You need a new car, so you look at your options, do some research, and pick out what you want. Then you start to see that car everywhere you go? It’s like thousands of cars just like the one you want suddenly appear on the streets the moment you make up your mind.

It’s crazy, right?

Well, there’s a common sales mistake I see everywhere, and once you know about it,

Where Most Coaches Go Wrong in Facebook Advertising

Several months back, we ran a Facebook ad campaign for a two-day workshop I was hosting in Sydney and San Francisco.

As we started planning, we realized we were in a tricky a spot. We only had a few weeks until the event started, so we need to create and run a campaign that filled the event quickly without coming across as too sales-y.

We had to move fast, and because of the tight window of time we were working with,

3 Keys to Pinpoint Your Target Market for Facebook Ads

A lot of people misunderstand what true advertising is. They believe the ad itself is the most important part of every advertising campaign.

The truth is, the perfect ad that’s sent to the wrong audience won’t deliver the results you’re after. To be successful you need to a great ad AND a specific target market. It takes both. A terrible ad sent to the right audience won’t get results either.

I recently ran a two-day workshop in Sydney and San Francisco.

How to Train Your Virtual Assistant, Matrix-style

Can you believe The Matrix was released almost 18 years ago? Most modern high school students weren’t even born when it first came out. Does that make you feel old, too?

In case you haven’t watched it in the past decade, here’s a quick recap of one of my favorite scenes.

Our main character, Neo, is ready to start his training. While flipping through futuristic looking floppy-disks, Tank the operator says to him,