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How To Increase Your Coaching Prices And Feel Bulletproof About Your Value

Are you completely satisfied with your coaching prices? If so, congratulations!

If not, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Just the other day I spoke with three coaches, all at different places in their careers, who are struggling with pricing.

The first conversation was with a brand new coach. He said that because he’s just starting his coaching program, he has no clue what charge. When you’re starting out, it’s a perfectly natural question to ask.

Setting News Traps

In this blog post, I will teach you what to do if you don’t know what video you are going to make. Specifically, how to know what content to create that your audience will love.

Are you having a good time so far? Have you got more than your two hundred dollars worth of value? At some point in the future should come. Alright, so this is a shameless blog, where we are just talking about how to know what to talk about.

Webinar Marketing: Map Out Marketing to Max Out Attendance

Preparing for a successful webinar isn’t just compiling the right stats and piecing together a slideshow.

Sure, those things are important, but the REAL challenge is getting prospects to register and attend.

If nobody signs up or shows up, your webinar is useless at turning prospects into clients.

Your marketing campaign must be a priority. I can quickly tell if it’s not because the campaign is always disorganized, behind on schedule and doesn’t convert prospects.

How to Craft Your Morning Ritual To Feel Unstoppable

If you’ve ever listened to Tim Ferriss’s podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, you’ve heard about the morning routine. Tim asks almost every guest he interviews what the first hour of their day looks like. With over 100 guests, it’s obviously important to him.

As I thought about why a morning ritual is so important to him, I realized that the way you start your day is a great indicator of how it will end.

Double Email Conversions With The Story-Selling Technique

Hands down, email marketing is one of the most effective tools for converting prospects to clients.

Why is it then, that most coaches either don’t do it well or don’t do it all?

The obvious answer is that writing is hard.

You find yourself staring at a blank screen for hours, and the words just won’t flow.

Even worse – after pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into writing and sending it out – no one responds.

How To Create Webinar Content That Teaches and Sells

When hosting a webinar to generate sales, you probably follow the typical structure. For a one-hour webinar, you’ll spend 10 minutes on your introduction and 15 minutes on your offer and closing remarks at the end.

That gives you 35 minutes to teach valuable content to your prospects. If all goes well, some of those prospects will buy your coaching program.

Coaches often give away their best content. They teach and teach and teach,

Return On Relationship: The Key to Email Marketing Success

Mastering the skill I’m going to tell you about in this post has helped me more than almost any other.

It’s been absolutely fundamental in attracting new leads, positioning myself as an expert, and converting new prospects into clients.

It was also one of the hardest skills for me to learn.

Most coaches (myself included at one time) do some marketing and get a lead. Then… it dies. They don’t know what to do next.

How to Price Your Coaching Programs Confidently with the 10X Rule

There are two big mistakes I see most coaches make when pricing their programs.

They undercharge, and they’re under-confident.

These two go hand in hand. When a coach lacks confidence, they fail to charge the right amount because they don’t know if they’re worth it. In turn, by undercharging they don’t generate enough income which results in a lack of confidence. It’s a nasty cycle.

After a while, this causes them to undervalue themselves,