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How to Break $1M in Your Coaching Business in the Next 12 Months

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Cold Calling For Coaches

I was on a webinar the other day – the Ignition Webinar with the whole group of coaches – about a 150 coaches from around the world. And I was teaching them about the #1 most important question you need to ask about every marketing piece you run from now on.

If you want to make sure you get back some of the results. And I share the question with you make sure you nail it as well.

Do You Need A Niche?

I’ll give you quick marketing tip on how to narrow your niche to increase your responsiveness. So if you’ve been wondering about picking the right niche or you may be too narrow or too broad, this is for you.

Coach Anyone About Anything

So I reopened a book that I’ve read years and years ago. Great book on Coaching Skills but it’s called this, it’s called “Coach Anyone About Anything”.

Written by someone who’s last name is Porsche.

Diagnostic Vs. Declarative Selling

Most coaches market when they should be selling and sell when they should be marketing.

That’s the mistake. Let’s fix it together.

I’m gonna show you how to increase the results you get from your marketing and your sales.

Okay, so I don’t know how you were taught to sell?

Most coaches I know it’s what some kind of diagnostic sales process. You know you ask a bunch of smart questions to open up the prospects and really dig for the pain.

Getting Prospects to Commit

I want to talk to you about selling. How do you install conversion confidence into your marketing and sales process so people know up front?

“If I work with you, here’s how it’s going to work, and here are the results that I’m going to get.”

If you’re certain enough confident enough they can pull the trigger and commit to themselves too, to their future and to you.

Also in your marketing and in your sales,

How to Set Your Prices as a Coach

I want to talk to you about pricing. Most coaches I know are under confident and under pricing. I want to show you how to fix that forever.

I also want to talk to you about hot buttons. Tying into the exact hot buttons to make your prospects buy and I want to give you the four-step formula for picking the ideal message to your market match.

And I want to talk about scarcity.

What Does The Next Level Of Your Coaching Business Look Like?

I want to talk to you about the evolution of your coaching business.

What to do if your business is struggling or even if it is stable, what’s the next level? And how do you get there as quick as you can?

I’m also going to talk about time management.

What’s the number one time management tip if you want to get clients quickly?

And third, we’re going to talk about webinars.

How To Market a Live Event as a Coach


How often do you email your database? – Weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or what.

What do you send when you actually send these emails out to people?

I want to tell you the biggest mistake that I see coaches make all the time when it comes to marketing an event.
Before you send any event promo whether it’s a webinar or a workshop, there are three things you need to have in place.

Case Study: “Breakeven Coach Makes $336k on His First Webinar; Pays off Mortgage in Cash.”

In the following Video, Tristan, a Black Belt member shares how he went from $15K per month, to earning $336K from one webinar. In the last 6 months he’s made half a million dollars — this is from taking what he had (his experience, skills and desire to grow) and 3 strategies from Black Belt. But instead of me telling you about it here, why don’t you watch the video to hear Tristan explain how he did it in his own words…