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Why Your Coaching Business Model Is Broken

I’ve realized that nearly every business model is based on the idea of keeping four key stakeholders happy. This is where it all begins. For a model to work, it has to meet the needs of all four. Let me explain.

1. You

The first and most important stakeholder is you. Our goal is to build a business model that you love and gives you exactly what you need. It needs to give you the money,

Get Your Prospects To Take Action With This Content Strategy


Creating marketing content that both engages prospects and gets them to take action is simple… in theory. It really just boils down to deciding what to say and how to say it.

But, when trying to get prospects to engage with content, many coaches tend to give too much away. I call this Hard Teaching.

It’s when coaches give out so much high-quality content that the prospects have no reason to buy from them.

The 3 CTA’s Your Site Needs

3 Offers You Need To Have

We’ve just been chatting about websites and we’re talking about the 3 core offers you need to have on your website. But really you need three offers, a green offer, an orange offer and a red offer. And as what we’ve discussed, there are three types of people that go on your website, these are the cold leads, warm leads and hot prospects.

Green Offer

Cold leads are skeptical visitors and what we want to have for them is a green offer.

How To Give Prospects Useful Marketing Content Without Giving Too Much Away

As coaches, we know that we regularly need to keep in touch with our prospects, but finding what to say and how to say it can be tough.

We don’t want to be pushy in our content, but we also don’t want to give too much away. Erring on either side will get us ignored by our prospects, which is the last thing we want.

Instead, we want our prospects to be addicted to our content.