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How to Stop a Client from Hogging a Group Coaching Call

Ed asks, “I’ve got a client who’s dominating a group coaching call. They spent ages and ages and ages going on and on and on about their problem, and it’s hard to redirect them. And secondly, when he does finish —fix their problem and solve their issue, they go, ‘Oh Ed, one more thing…’ So, what do you do about that?”

Call control, isn’t it? 

I’m just going to lay down straight.

How To Leverage Your Coaching Practice Into Recurring, (Almost) Passive Income


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Video message from Taki


You want to scale your impact and income, but there’s just not enough time in the day to serve more clients. Unless human cloning goes mainstream soon. 😉

Your one-on-one work with clients may have been a lucrative source of income for you and a wonderful way to enable clients to transform their lives.