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3 Challenges That Stop Coaches From Automating Their Marketing

It’s time to make the shift from manual marketing to automated marketing.

The concept is simple.

You can either market manually and work at it constantly by yourself. This requires setting reminders to keep you diligent every single week to keep you on track.

Or, you can build a system to do it for you.

How To Create Endless Marketing Content Without Being Redundant

Content marketing can be a dreaded task for any coach. There are all sorts of reasons why coaches struggle with putting out great marketing content consistently.

Suffering from writer’s block leads to falling behind schedule. A monthly newsletter can turn into a yearly newsletter, and before you know it, you’ve become invisible to your prospects.

No coach wants to be invisible.

There’s a strategy I use to avoid that pitfall. It’s based on the old game,

How To Speak Directly To Your Prospects’ Hot Buttons

Coaches run into all sorts of problems when trying to stay on top of their content marketing.

Most of the time, they get stuck when creating their marketing because they’re thinking and writing at the same time.

This causes them to fall behind schedule in their marketing, so they fail to follow-up with their prospects.

It’s a slippery slope.

There’s a strategy I use to turn those problems around. It’s based on the old game,

The Top 3 Reasons Coaches Fail At Content Marketing

The line between content and marketing is fuzzy. These days it’s become so blurred that it’s hard to tell what’s what. Sometimes, what looks like news is fiction and what looks like fiction is really news.

We know content marketing is vitally important to growing our coaching business, but as tough as it is to identify content marketing, it’s even harder to create it.

Here are the most common problems coaches run into when trying to create killer content marketing on their own.